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Burman Nursery and Infant School

Burman Infant School Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)


Through our website pages we aim to keep you up-to-date with all the latest news, events and fundraising plans. We are always looking for new parents and helpers to support the activities at Burman.  The PTA is wonderful for the children – and good fun for the adults too!

What is the PTA? Who does it involve?

All parents and carers of children at Burman Infant School, as well as its teaching staff, are members of the PTA.  It is a voluntary organisation and registered charity, aimed at enhancing the education and well-being of Burman pupils.  We do this by organising additional activities for the children, and raising much needed funds for all the ‘luxuries’ that aren’t funded centrally.

Those involved in the PTA can do as little or as much as they like.  You may wish to be involved with smaller ‘jobs’ such as helping out at school events and fairs, stapling raffle tickets, wrapping prizes, selling disco tickets etc… or maybe you’d like to find out more about the role of the chairperson, secretary or treasurer?

What are the results?

The results from all working together are incredible! Over recent years we have raised money for a wide range of projects, all planned in collaboration with the children and staff at school. More importantly, both the children and their families have enjoyed a range of fantastic activities, funded and supported by the PTA.

Getting involved

Delivering all of this is only possible through the commitment and enthusiasm of our committee members and great band of volunteers, who all work tirelessly in support of the school.

We always welcome and encourage new members, to ensure there is a breadth of representative opinions from all year groups and also to capitalise on the talents, skillsets and experience of our parents and staff.

Meeting new people, knowing more about what goes on at your child’s school, having a say in how money should be allocated, and making a difference to the pupils experience at Burman are just some of the benefits you will gain by being involved with our PTA.

Our meetings are open to everyone, so why not come along to one and listen to the range of topics being discussed – you can contribute as much or as little as you wish, and choose to get involved as much or as little as you wish. The meetings are informal and relaxed, with refreshments provided.

Dates of forthcoming meetings, as well as Minutes of previous meetings are published on the website.

If you would like any other information regarding the PTA, are interested in joining the committee or have suggestions or ideas about fund-raising, please do not hesitate to contact any of the PTA Committee using the contact details below. Alternatively drop a note into the school office for the attention of the PTA and someone will be in touch.

We look forward to your support over the coming year.